Children & Families

Head Start, Early Head Start and Parent Child Centers promote early learning in children ages birth to 5 for families with low-income including children with disabilities. They are a strong segment of the Vermont childcare network. Health, dental, education for pregnant women and family services were delivered throughout the pandemic.

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Current Programs

Head Start and Early Head Start

Services for children promote school readiness, and include early education, health, nutrition, mental health, and services for children with special needs. Services for parents promote family engagement, and include parent leadership and social service supports.

Parent Child Centers

Early childhood services, home visits to families with young children, playgroups, parent education, parent support, and information and referral at NEKCA.

The Vermont Need


Vermont children between the ages of 0–4 live in poverty


of children of color live in poverty

All Vermont children are eligible for free and reduced lunch

VCAP Reach

  • 1,007 children were served
  • 495  Vermont families attended parenting classes addressing barriers to stability
  • 1,297 home visits were made
  • 504 children received dental assessments
  • 588 children received physicals and/or various health screenings

VCAP Annual Impact

  • 873 parents improved family functioning skills
  • 697 Head Start children became ready for kindergarten